Wanted: Life Sciences Innovator 2022

Attention to all life sciences students, researchers and start-ups! For the third year in a row MITA announces the search for life sciences innovators!
Anyone who wants to “employ their knowledge” and to develop their ideas with the support of professionals are welcome to apply. Applications are accepted until April 4.
Benefits of participation:
- a chance to test your ideas with foreign experts;
- an opportunity to acquire the knowledge required for commercializing the idea;
- a possibility to learn the subtleties of pitching for investors.
The winners will be announced at the final event – The Ultimate Life Sciences Pitch Challenge!
The authors of the three best rated ideas will:
- participate in the ExpertCircle tailored by MITA. Experts in areas relevant to the development of a specific idea will help to identify weaknesses of the idea and provide their recommendations. The total value of the Circle of Experts amounts to 3,500 Eur;
- be assigned with MITA mentor for developing the idea by the end of the year;
- have access to TRINITI JUREX legal services when setting up a business;
- will be invited to the upcoming Life Sciences Startup Masterclass program.
The author of the best idea will:
- visit a conference, partner search or pitching event abroad;
- have dinner with an investor in the life sciences field.
More details and application HERE.
Deadline for Applications: 2022-04-04