Sep 30
Sep 30
CoPictures will gather people across the world under one platform and offer media what it is losing – speed and efficiency. A few clicks allow media outlets to acquire pictures they need and publish them legally. Photographers no longer need to write out individual invoices and journalists need no longer fear potential copyright violations – we will take care of all legal and financial aspects.Moreover, with these possibilities in mind, we provide every CoPictures uploader with an opportunity to send picture to local police department or medics of the Red Cross.Additionally, clients searching for images in CoPictures can purchase photographs of their choice with just a few clicks. System generates an invoice and after the payment client can legally publish pictures they have just acquired and author’s reward goes straight to their bank account.Apart from this, we provide clients with an opportunity to proactively place orders for photos from a certain event. Our system finds photographers closest to event location and forward this request to them. This way pictures can reach clients at maximum speed.Thus, CoPictures will not only be useful to news media and advertising agencies, but also to event planners looking for someone to photograph a company get-together and ordinary users looking to capture moments of a family celebration.