This Week’s Opportunities For Startups | June 21-27
Jun 21
Jun 21

No matter the industry, size, product, or service, all startups have one thing in common: They all want to grow! To make a business grow and scale takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and strategy. To learn all these things you have to follow and grab every opportunity you can.
That is why we prepared a list of this week’s opportunities for you. Do not miss the chance to learn and advance your startup.
📣 22 JUNE | Planet4 | Science for Business: How AI on the Edge Will Change Industry
📌International scientists and entrepreneurs invite you to join the launch conference powered by the project Planet4 and find out the new opportunities of artificial intelligence, machine learning, computing on the edge and IoT in Industry 4.0!
In the virtual event leaders of Planet4 and special guests will share insights on how AI will kick in as a real game-changer in industrial evolution and how education will become one of the most important things to raise new talents for the smart industry.
WHEN | 22th of June
WHERE | Zoom
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE | scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers & lecturers, educators, students, innovators and all who are addicted to new technologies!
Link to the event: HERE.
📣 23 JUNE | Northtown Vilnius | Europe for Life Sciences Innovators
Life Sciences Digital Innovation Hub cluster (LSDIH), in collaboration with the Agency for Science, Innovation, and Technology (MITA), invites life sciences companies and researchers to the seminar ‘Europe for life sciences innovators’!
🕙Join them on June 23rd at 10AM!
📣 29 JUNE | JA Lithuania | Gen-E Virtual EXPO
Gen-E is the largest European Entrepreneurship Festival, combining two annual European entrepreneurship contests — the Company of the Year Competition (CoYC) and the European Enterprise Challenge (EEC).
Gen-E is a celebration of entrepreneurship and the achievements of European students, where thousands of young entrepreneurs, 15 years old onwards, will showcase their cutting–edge business ideas and will be competing for the titles of best Company and best Start-Up of the year.
This year, Gen-E 2021 is virtually hosted in Lithuania by JA Lithuania from 29 June to 15 July 2021.
📣 30 JUNE | BLOCKSTART | Demo Day
On 30 June, 3pm CET (Brussels time), the top 5 startups from BlockStart’s second acceleration program will present their MVPs and the pilots they’ve implemented in end-user SMEs.
In addition to these pitch presentations, we will showcase the keynote of David Chreng-Messembourg, Co-Founder & VC investor at LeadBlock Partners, a blockchain-focused VC fund.
This Demo Day is organized by BlockStart, an acceleration program funded by European Commission, aiming to promote blockchain adoption in retail, fintech, and ICT. Bright Pixel VC investor, CIVITTA innovation consultant, and F6S startups community are managing this initiative, supporting 60 tech startups and 60 SME adopters with mentoring, networking, and €795,000 funding.
Please find more info HERE, and should you be interested, register at
📣 NOW or until 11 of JULY | Digital Enlightener
We are looking for digital innovations that would glorify Lithuania and improve the World!
International teams that work and create in Lithuania are invited to participate in our national contest, too!
What’s happening? We are looking for the best digital innovations developed in Lithuania.
Why? Because we want to show the world that in Lithuania, we are developing amazing, original, and meaningful digital products
How? By selecting the Best in national selection contest „Digital Enlightener“ („Naujasis knygnešys“, and nominating them for global contest World Summit Awards (WSA,
Who can apply? Various digital solutions: from mobile apps to digital platforms, from e-services to computer games, from interactive media projects to wearable devices apps, etc. – all that’s digital, interesting, innovative, and meaningful
What‘s for me in all this?
• Fame to become Lithuania’s “Digital Enlightener” and ambassador, by participating in global contest “World Summit Awards” based on UN sustainable development goals ( – which means national publicity, new experience, advanced know-how, and new international contacts;
• as well – valuable prizes to the winning teams,
• and if you are a startup – a chance to win 3000 Euros cash prize and special services package!
What should I do? Go to the website right now and register your product!
The registration form is here –, registration is open until July 11.
And what‘s next? If your product is shortlisted for the finals – we‘ll meet at the “Digital Enlightener” (“Naujasis knygnešys”) final event on August 5, where all finalists will pitch their product, and the winners for all categories will be selected, awarded, and celebrated.