
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of The Week: Serfy
Jul 11

(Serfy. Visual from Serfy archive)

 Serfy mission is to empower maintenance professionals to manage their field tasks effortlessly and change the mindset to embrace the customer-centric approach. How do they do this, their founders Algirdas Stasiūnaitis reveals in this interview.

  1. So what is Serfy? How does it work?
    It’s an issue reporting and maintenance service management platform. Where service providers (such as commercial property management or facilities maintenance companies) and their clients can exchange tasks, keep track of progress and SLA promises.

  2. What are your competitors and competitive advantages?
    Serfy is unique because it covers all the maintenance process chain. From tenant who reports an issue, through building manager who approves or delegates it to any chosen service provider who receives/executes/updates tasks. Serfy is used as one universal tool to report issues to all service providing companies.

    Moreover, Serfy connects all companies into one huge network of service buyers and providers, the bigger the network more value Serfy creates for everyone.

  3. What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?
    We noticed that most building/device maintenance services lack some important ingredients:

    –    the speed of communication,

    –    transparency in the process,

    –    control of costs,

    –    customer expectations management.

    With Serfy we help companies improve their service quality, productivity and gain competitive advantage.

    (Serfy. Visual from Serfy archive)


  4. When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?We started proactively introducing Serfy to prospects in late 2017. Main challenges were to create user-friendly, yet flexible and fast tool to cover all process of the maintenance.
  5. What are your target customers? Both in terms of user profile and geography?
    Serfy creates most value in two market fields:

    –    Commercial property maintenance management (Business and Shopping centers, Retail chains, etc.).

    –    Field services (facilities, HVAC, cleaning, security, vending maintenance etc.).

    We do not have a strict geographic strategy, mainly focusing on developed countries in Europe and North America.

  6. What are the main challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming them?
    The main challenge is to fine-tune Serfy for individual needs of a client. Luckily, we develop new features constantly so tuning is getting easier and faster during the time.

  7. How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?
    We raised an investment from business angels. It helped us focus on the development of the platform. Now we are on the scaling stage, from time to time we talk with some Funds about how they could help us grow faster abroad.

  8. Please introduce your founders?
    Basically, we are the army of two. Povilas is my partner responsible for product and business development and I am responsible for Client relations and partnerships. With a constant help from our undercover dev team which does all the dirty job that helps us work as a clock.

  9. How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?
    For now, Serfy is mostly used in the Baltic States, where 300 companies exchange tasks within their companies or with their partners. Yet we still have some work to do to reach our break even, but we confident about it.

  10. Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?
    For now, we focus on growth abroad, looking for partners and customers. Its challenging but very interesting.
    Our ambition is to become a standard of issue reporting to service companies. So we are happy that Serfy in more and more companies is used as the main tool to report issues to maintenance service providing companies instead of emailing and calling.
    Oh, by the way, we develop another tool an alcotester for logistic/forwarding companies which will help track drivers condition and ability to drive. More about it next time.

Thank you for the answers, Algirdas!