

New initiative to support media innovation and sustainability in the Baltic countries
Sep 15

Breakthrough Media and Aktis Strategy are launching a new initiative to identify, support and accelerate some of the Baltic’s most innovative media businesses.

The Baltic Media Accelerator will select up to three emerging or established companies and will take them through four month-long acceleration programme to help develop new thinking, innovative ways of engaging multiple language audiences and find new revenue streams for their media businesses.

The Baltic Media Accelerator is specifically looking for media companies that can engage with Russian speaking audiences in any of the Baltic countries. Participants will receive up to €10,000 in funding, access to world-class mentors and support from leading tech, legal and finance experts.

The program will run from November 2017 till February 2018 and will offer a combination of foundation training, tailored support packages, mentorship sessions and grants to scale up prototypes.

The application process will be open to existing media companies and startups who engage Baltic audiences (including Russian speakers) and have a product or service that could be scaled up with the help of industry leaders and bespoke training.

The Accelerator will receive applications from September 4th until October 4th. The applications will be reviewed by a panel of international and Baltic experts representing the leading media and academic organisations (including The Baltic Centre for Media Excellence and Tallinn University). The Accelerator is supported by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

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