

Calling the Most Innovative Sustainable Energy Start-ups!
Nov 08

Demand for sustainable energy solutions is rapidly increasing. As a trusted partner and smart investor, EIT InnoEnergy plays a pivotal role in accelerating sustainable energy innovations and wants to help make your company a global success! That’s why we want to find, reward and develop the best and most innovative ideas around sustainable energy from across the globe.

Last year, following an overwhelming response, two grand winners received €100,000 cash prizes for innovative solutions in the global call for electrical storage start-ups! Apply today with your sustainable energy innovation and this could be you!

InnoEnergy is a trusted innovation ecosystem and offer value added services and investment opportunities, ranging from seed to growth capital. Partnering with InnoEnergy for your sustainable energy solution represents an incredible opportunity for innovative start-ups to grow their company to a global success. We’ll support the 20 best start-ups with a tailored programme to help make your idea happen. That might include technology development, market access and development; team creation or funding access. Plus, the best start-up will win €100,000.

Anyone with a great idea can enter: established start-ups or those ready to get going. We use the following evaluation criteria: 

The global call for sustainable energy is looking for start-ups that

  • Idea – Have you developed a technological solution that meets a critical need in the market?
  • Impact –  Is your technology a game changer? Tell us about it and let us know how it will change the rules of the market.
  • Team –  Do you have that winning team that is able to step up the plate on the road to success? Together with our coaches we can help you grow!
  • Business –  Are you able to translate your technology into a sustainable and profitable business?

Apply by 19 December to win EUR 100,000 as well as support to grow your business!

To know more.