
Oct 20, 10:00 - Oct 21, 16:00

Hack4ReStart invite you to apply and participate if you have an engineering challenge to solve or, on the contrary, if you want to offer your solutions to others.

Why participate?

• During the Hackathon, representatives of manufacturing companies will have the opportunity to meet Industry 4.0 and 5.0 solution providers who can offer innovative solutions to optimise the manufacturing / logistics / digital and other processes of the company.
• Companies offering technological and digital solutions will have the opportunity to meet potential customers (representatives of traditional manufacturing companies) and their needs.
• During the event, there will be an opportunity to receive free expert advice from technology experts from IMEC and Eurecat, international research centres in Belgium and Spain.

The main thematic areas of the hackathon, which will be tackled by technology start-ups, are:
• Robotics
• Digitalisation
• Systems interoperability (ERP)

Hack4ReStart will be will be delivered in a hybrid way: at Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO and online, therefore, applicants are welcome from all over Europe.
The programme of the two-day event will be published soon on the Hackathon’s Facebook event page.

Date: 20-21 October 

Location: Congress Centre LITEXPO, Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius

Read more and apply: here

For more information, contact: [email protected] +370 601 75844