FUSE City Challenge 2022 Kaunas
Sep 16, 17:00 - Sep 18, 15:00

Event: FUSE City Challenge 2022 Kaunas
Aim of the event: intensive ideation workshop FUSE City Challenge 2022 Kaunas aims to generate innovative solutions enabling the development of green mobility solutions for solving the negative effects of increasing urbanization, and improving ideas generation, validation and pitching skills.
Program targets: students, individuals or teams – everyone who is interested in contributing to the improvement of mobility in the city. Teams should consist of 4-5 members, 5 members max.
Opportunities: On the weekend, you and your team will experience a Challenge Based competition in a real-life setting. We will provide you with coaching in your journey and support that you need.
Kaunas Challenge: green mobility solutions solving the negative effects of increasing urbanization.
Develop an innovative, practical, sustainable, scalable and public behavioral change promoting green mobility solution:
- Fostering choice of greener transport means for home-work/education-home journeys
- Solving the negative effects of increasing urbanization.
Prizes: The winner takes it all! Project prize fund is 1000 EUR (before taxes)). The winner of the Kaunas City Challenge will get an opportunity to present their idea in the Grand Finale of the FUSE City Challenge in Barcelona (ESP) on 17-20th of November – travel and accommodation costs are paid by organisers, but not more than for 5 team members.
Date: 16-18th September
Location: Santaka Valley, K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas
Registration is open till 13th of September