

Pluses and Minuses of Digitalization
May 14

This time you will hear about the significance of digitization in the podcast “Technotronika” and Lukas Kaminskis, the co-founder of the startup “Turing society”, will tell us about it. The “Turing Society” is an educational community that uses Harward’s teaching method and includes startups like “Turing School”, “Turing Studio” and “Turing Colege”, which opens its doors in the autumn. Lukas will tell about how he aims to tilt the education towards the digital competencies side and teach using personalized programs.

Why is the “Turing Society” building a community instead of a programming school? What problems can be solved with digital skills? How to respond to the challenge of digitalization for jobs? You can find the answers to these questions by listening to this podcast.

All Technotronika podcasts can be found on 15min KlausykSpotify, Google, Apple podcast platforms.

You will hear Technotronika podcast twice a month. Startups will be interviewed by Lukas Keraitis.