

Startup Lithuania partners with Google Cloud for Startups to support Lithuanian startup ecosystem
Aug 08

Startup Lithuania is pleased to announce a collaboration with the Google Cloud for Startups Program. Program will help eligible early-stage startups take advantage of the cloud and get resources to quickly launch and scale their idea on Google Cloud Platform. Starting today, Lithuanian startups can take advantage of this offer and begin using the same infrastructure platform that Google uses.

Google is currently working with many global partners to help startups grow. Thousands of startups have built successful applications on Google Cloud Platform and those applications have grown to serve tens of millions of users.  Now, Startup Lithuania is one of them and together with Google Cloud for Startups team look forward to helping the next generation of Lithuanian startups launch great products.

This program is designed for early-stage startup companies that are focused on growth potential. To qualify, startups can’t have received promotional Cloud credits in the past, must be less than five years old and have less than $5 million dollars in funding and have less than $500,000 in annual revenue.

If you are a Lithuanian startup, to apply for this benefits package, you can send an email  to [email protected] with the subject: Google Spark Package, attach your pitch deck and a short letter that addresses the subject:  “Why do you need this package and how it will help your business grow?” Only selected candidates will get detailed Spark Package benefits.