
University-Industry Impact Accelerator
Sep 27

Why Join our Accelerator Programme?
Our program empowers collaboration between academia and industry, enhancing research commercialization through effective design, evidence building, and experimentation.

Programme Details
Online Webinars: We will kickstart the programme with two informative webinar sessions, open to all interested parties and crafted to cater to the diverse interests and expertise of our participants.
• Enhancing Programme Impact and Identifying Opportunities (September 27, 2-3 pm BST): The first session will lay the foundation for impactful university-industry collaboration. The webinar will cover a wide range of insights and strategies, making it a must-attend event for everyone involved in science commercialisation initiatives.
• Exploring Experimental Ideas in University-Industry Collaboration (October 4, 2-4 pm BST): Building on the groundwork established in the first webinar, this session will delve deeper into the exciting world of experimentation. We will explore innovative ideas and practical approaches, making it especially relevant for those directly engaged in the day-to-day implementation of programmes.
Personalised Technical Support: After the webinars, you will have the opportunity to apply for participation in our 6-month support scheme that will run between November 2023 and April 2024. If selected, you and your team will receive up to 6 months of technical support from our Innovation Growth Lab staff. We will guide you through designing an intervention and establishing the necessary structures to learn and adapt effectively. The support will encompass various aspects, including programme identification and ideation, theory-of-change development, trial design, data collection plan, beneficiaries recruitment plan, and trial protocol design.

Who is the Programme for?
Our accelerator programme is tailored for intermediaries in the university-business collaboration space who are actively developing or implementing programmes to promote intellectual property exploitation at research institutions, increase business access to academic research, or improve knowledge exchange and collaboration between academia and society. Whether you work at innovation agencies, research institutions as technology transfer officers or business engagement leads, or in similar positions, we believe this programme can provide valuable insights and support. There are no geographical restrictions, and all interested participants are welcome to join the workshops and apply for the support scheme. However, please note that researchers and SMEs may not directly apply.
Your Commitment
To make the most of this opportunity, we request that you:
• Attend the two overview workshops to explore experimentation, generate ideas, and identify a specific programme to work on.
• Submit an application to the support scheme, focusing on a particular programme you are currently designing, piloting or implementing that could benefit from the 6-month technical support. (We will give you more details about how to apply at the webinars.)
• If selected, dedicate at least two individuals from your team to actively engage in the personalised technical support during the programme.

Expression of Interest
If you are interested in joining our programme, kindly register for the workshops and express your interest in participating in the 6-month support scheme by August 31 at this link. The application process for the support scheme will close on October 18 and, if selected, your organisation will receive the technical support from November 2023 to April 2024.

If you have any questions or comments about our Accelerator at this point, feel free to get in touch with our Senior Researcher Sara García Arteagoitia ([email protected]).