
How Startups Can Win The Great Resignation
Feb 24, 17:00

Startups have always had a hard time when it comes to competing on salaries. But in a pandemic stricken economy, they have found a compensation structure that is beating the big businesses in hiring and retaining top talent.

Freedom, purpose, and work-life balance is the new mantra that everyone is chanting and the startups are listening. Workplace wellbeing and flexibility are winning against the great resignation.

But how exactly can one cultivate this culture and remain attractive in this new reality? How can one prevent employee churn and instead, foster, a culture of loyalty? 

To find out the answer to these burning questions, we have invited Nicolas Blier-Silvestri, CEO of Platypus, Lona Alia, Head of Revenue in SafetyWing, Josh Ash, Sales Lead in Humaans, and Thea Bramming, an experienced organizational culture consultant for companies like Microsoft and Too Good To Go.

The event will take palace on February 24th, 5pm EET. 

Don’t miss out – Reserve your spot today!